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International and Civil Affairs Specialist ... (Military - Enlisted)

Is This For You?


The following categories describe the work interests (compatible with Holland's Model) of people who tend to succeed in this career:

Investigative – You are a "thinker". When you have a problem, you like to analyze it and look at different ways to solve it. You like to work by yourself. Investigative careers are often associated with physical, life, medical, or social sciences, and can be found in the fields of humanities, mathematics/statistics, information technology, or health care service.
Realistic – You are a "doer".  You like physical activities and projects. You like to find the answers to problems by doing hands-on work instead of talking about solutions. Realistic careers are often associated with engineering, mechanics and electronics, construction, transportation, agriculture, animal services, athletics, or protective services.

What are your interests?

Take the Interest Profiler to find out.

Start the Interest Profiler Interests Graphic

What are your work values?

Take the Work Values Sorter to find out.

Start the Work Values Sorter Work Values Graphic

Ability Profiler

Aptitudes reflect a person's ability to acquire skills and knowledge. The following aptitudes are important for success in this career:

All Aptitudes

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