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Courses to Take

The College Preparatory/Work Ready Curriculum for Oklahoma high school graduation is aligned with the Oklahoma's Promise curriculum and all courses within the curriculum are approved for college admission. The subject names below are linked to more detailed course requirements.

Public Colleges & Universities

Below are the courses you must take if you want to go to an Oklahoma state college or university. If you enter the job market after high school, these courses will also help you prepare for on-the-job success.

Course Requirements for Oklahoma State Colleges and Universities
English 4 units grammar, composition and literature
Math 3 units Algebra I, Algebra II, geometry, math analysis, trigonometry, pre-calculus, statistics and probability (must have completed geometry and Algebra II), calculus, and Advanced Placement statistics
Laboratory Science 3 units biology, chemistry, physics or any lab science certified by school district; general science courses don't qualify
History and Citizenship Skills 3 units must include 1 unit of American history and 2 units from the subjects of history, economics, geography, government, civics and/or non-Western culture
Other 2 units from any of the subjects listed above, any AP course, most courses taken through concurrent enrollment, or from computer science, foreign language, high school psychology or high school sociology.
TOTAL 15 units

Suggestion for Success: Colleges and universities also recommend, but do not require, that you take an additional unit in math, an additional unit in lab science and two units in speech or fine arts (music, art, drama).

Note: Requirements may change, and they may be different for independent (private) colleges and universities. Check with your school counselor for full details.

For more information on Oklahoma public college and university admission standards, contact the institution you plan to attend.

For Further Information

Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education
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