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Homeopathic Practitioner

Real-Life Activities

Real-Life Communication -- Solution

Here's what your letter could say:

Dear Dr. Dalucca:

To put to rest any concerns or questions you may have about homeopathy, I wanted to write you a brief letter explaining the history and potential benefits of this type of treatment.

Homeopathy has been around since the 1800s in Europe. It was successfully used to treat diseases such as cholera, scarlet fever and yellow fever.

Today, 39 percent of doctors in France prescribe homeopathic treatments. About 45 percent of Dutch doctors consider them effective. Many British doctors even refer their patients to homeopathic practitioners.

I wouldn't say that it works on everyone, but it does work on a lot of people. It has even been proven to work on animals.

Because the doses are small, I can assure you that homeopathy is extremely safe.

I hope I have given you some useful information on this treatment. It has become one more option for the patient. And I'm sure you agree that we want to give our patients as many choices as possible.

Please feel free to drop by for a visit any time. I would be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.


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