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Environmental Scientist/Specialist

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What They Do

Environmental Scientists and Specialists, Including Health Career Video

About This Career

Conducts research or performs investigation for the purpose of identifying, abating, or eliminating sources of pollutants or hazards that affect either the environment or public health. Using knowledge of various scientific disciplines, may collect, synthesize, study, report, and recommend action based on data derived from measurements or observations of air, food, soil, water, and other sources.

This career is part of the Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics cluster Science and Mathematics pathway.

A person in this career:

  • Communicates scientific or technical information to the public, organizations, or internal audiences through oral briefings, written documents, workshops, conferences, training sessions, or public hearings.
  • Monitors effects of pollution or land degradation and recommends means of prevention or control.
  • Collects, synthesizes, analyzes, manages, and reports environmental data, such as pollution emission measurements, atmospheric monitoring measurements, meteorological or mineralogical information, or soil or water samples.
  • Reviews and implements environmental technical standards, guidelines, policies, and formal regulations that meet all appropriate requirements.
  • Provides scientific or technical guidance, support, coordination, or oversight to governmental agencies, environmental programs, industry, or the public.
  • Processes and reviews environmental permits, licenses, or related materials.
  • Conducts environmental audits or inspections or investigations of violations.
  • Provides advice on proper standards and regulations or the development of policies, strategies, or codes of practice for environmental management.
  • Prepares charts or graphs from data samples, providing summary information on the environmental relevance of the data.
  • Researches sources of pollution to determine their effects on the environment and to develop theories or methods of pollution abatement or control.

Working Conditions and Physical Demands

People who do this job report that:

  • You would often handle loads up to 10 lbs., sometimes up to 20 lbs. You might do a lot of walking or standing, or you might sit but use your arms and legs to control machines, equipment or tools.
  • Work in this occupation involves sitting more than one-third of the time

Working in this career involves (physical activities):

  • Seeing clearly at a distance
  • Seeing clearly up close
  • Speaking clearly enough to be able to be understood by others
  • Identifying and understanding the speech of another person

Work Hours and Travel

  • Regular working hours and limited travel

Specialty and Similar Careers

Careers that are more detailed or close to this career:

  • Environmental Health Specialist
  • Environmental Analyst — Conducts research studies to develop theories or methods of abating or controlling sources of environmental pollutants.
  • Environmental Health and Safety Specialist (EHS Specialist)
  • Environmental Programs Specialist
  • Environmental Protection Specialist
  • Hazardous Substances Scientist
  • Registered Environmental Health Specialist (REHS)
  • Natural Resources Specialist


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