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Avg. Salary


Education Level

Bachelor's degree

Job Outlook


Career Cluster


Acute Care Nurse
Avg. Salary


Education Level

Bachelor's degree

Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Health Science

Administrative Services Manager
Avg. Salary


Education Level

Bachelor's degree or higher, plus work experience

Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Business Management and Administration

Aerospace Engineer
Avg. Salary


Education Level

Bachelor's degree

Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Air Crew Member ... (Military - Enlisted)
Avg. Salary


Education Level


Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Government and Public Administration

Air Traffic Controller
Avg. Salary


Education Level

Associate's degree

Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Airborne Combat Navigator ... (Military - Officer)
Avg. Salary


Education Level


Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Government and Public Administration

Aircraft Launch and Recovery Officer ... (Military - Officer)
Avg. Salary


Education Level


Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Government and Public Administration

Aircraft Launch and Recovery Specialist ... (Military - Enlisted)
Avg. Salary


Education Level


Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Government and Public Administration

Aircraft Mechanic
Avg. Salary


Education Level

One to two years post-secondary training

Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Airline Pilot/Flight Engineer
Avg. Salary


Education Level

Bachelor's degree or higher, plus work experience

Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Transportation, Distribution and Logistics

Avg. Salary


Education Level

First professional degree

Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Health Science

Avg. Salary


Education Level

First professional degree

Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Health Science

Animal Trainer
Avg. Salary


Education Level

High school (GED), plus work experience

Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Hospitality and Tourism

Applications Software Developer
Avg. Salary


Education Level

Bachelor's degree

Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Information Technology

Armored Assault Vehicle Crew Member ... (Military - Enlisted)
Avg. Salary


Education Level


Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Government and Public Administration

Armored Assault Vehicle Officer ... (Military - Officer)
Avg. Salary


Education Level


Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Government and Public Administration

Artillery and Missile Crew Member ... (Military - Enlisted)
Avg. Salary


Education Level


Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Government and Public Administration

Artillery and Missile Officer ... (Military - Officer)
Avg. Salary


Education Level


Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Government and Public Administration

Audio/Video Technician
Avg. Salary


Education Level

One to two years post-secondary training

Job Outlook


Career Cluster

Arts, Audio-Video Technology and Communications

Showing 1 to 20 of 237 matches


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